

Dept. of Solar System Sciences

研究者リスト >> エリザベス タスカー

エリザベス タスカー

研究者氏名エリザベス タスカー
職名Associate Professor
学位D.Phil (Astrophysics)(University of Oxford, UK), M.Sci (Theoretical Physics)(Durham University, UK)
J-Global ID201301090743837223


My research is study of formation and evolution of galaxies in Astrophysics.


惑星科学 ,星形成論 ,流体力学的シミュレーション ,機械学習 ,太陽系外惑星


  • 自然科学一般 / 宇宙惑星科学 / 


Makoto Yoshikawa   Yuichi Tsuda   Satoru Nakazawa   Satoshi Tanaka   Tomohiro Usui   Elizabeth Tasker   Shogo Tachibana   Sei Ichiro Watanabe   
Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, IAC   A3    2021年
Hayabusa2 is the second asteroid sample return mission in the world following Hayabusa. The target asteroid was (162173) Ryugu, a C-Type near-Earth asteroid. The principal science purpose of the mission is to study the organic matter and water in ...
Unterborn, Cayman T   Byrne, Paul K   Anbar, Ariel D   Arney, Giada   Brain, David   Desch, Steve J   Foley, Bradford J   Gilmore, Martha S   Hartnett, Hilairy E   Henning, Wade G   Hirschmann, Marc M   Izenberg, Noam R   Kane, Stephen R   Kite, Edwin S   Kreidberg, Laura   Lee, Kanani K. M   Lyons, Timothy W   Olson   Stephanie L   Panero, Wendy R   Planavsky   Noah J. Reinhard   Christopher T   Renaud, Joseph P   Schaefer, Laura K   Schwieterman   Edward W   Sohl, Linda E   Tasker, Elizabeth J   Way, Michael J   
2023-2033 Planetary Science and Astrobiology Decadal Survey (white paper)      2020年7月   
Elizabeth J. Tasker   Kana Ishimaru   Nicholas Guttenberg   Julien Foriel   
International Journal of Astrobiology   19(3) 264-275   2020年6月   [査読有り]
<title>Abstract</title><monospace>Earth-Like</monospace> is an interactive website and twitter bot that allows users to explore changes in the average global surface temperature of an Earth-like planet due to variations in the surface oceans and e...
Elizabeth J. Tasker   Matthieu Laneuville   Nicholas Guttenberg   
The Astronomical Journal   159(2) 41-41   2020年1月   [査読有り]
Corey Brummel-Smith   Greg Bryan   Iryna Butsky   Lauren Corlies   Andrew Emerick   John Forbes   Yusuke Fujimoto   Nathan Goldbaum   Philipp Grete   Cameron Hummels   Ji-hoon Kim   Daegene Koh   Miao Li   Yuan Li   Xinyu Li   Brian O'Shea   Molly Peeples   John Regan   Munier Salem   Wolfram Schmidt   Christine Simpson   Britton Smith   Jason Tumlinson   Matthew Turk   John Wise   Tom Abel   James Bordner   Renyue Cen   David Collins   Brian Crosby   Philipp Edelmann   Oliver Hahn   Robert Harkness   Elizabeth Harper-Clark   Shuo Kong   Alexei Kritsuk   Michael Kuhlen   James Larrue   Eve Lee   Greg Meece   Michael Norman   Jeffrey Oishi   Pascal Paschos   Carolyn Peruta   Alex Razoumov   Daniel Reynolds   Devin Silvia   Samuel Skillman   Stephen Skory   Geoffrey So   Elizabeth Tasker   Rick Wagner   Peng Wang   Hao Xu   Fen Zhao   
Journal of Open Source Software   4(42) 1636-1636   2019年10月   [査読有り]


Travis A. Rector(担当:分担執筆, 範囲:Joint author of Chapter 19: The Future of Meetings)
Institute of Physics Publishing   2024年4月   (ISBN:9780750337274)
Hirabayashi, Masatoshi, Tsuda, Yuichi(担当:分担執筆, 範囲:Chapter 26: Public relations and outreach from the Hayabusa2 project)
Elsevier   2022年   (ISBN:9780323997317)
Andrea Longobardo(担当:分担執筆, 範囲:contributing author)
Elsevier   2021年5月   
Elizabeth J. Tasker, Cayman Unterborn, Matthieu Laneuville, Yuka Fujii, Steven J. Desch, Hilairy E. Hartnett(担当:共編者(共編著 者), 範囲:Senior editor and contributing author)
IOP   2020年12月   
Tasker, Elizabeth(担当:単著)
Bloomsbury Sigma   2017年   (ISBN:9781472917720)


Can planetesimal accretion break planet resonance?
日本学術振興会: 科学研究費助成事業
タスカー エリザベス 
研究期間: 2016年4月 - 2020年3月
日本学術振興会: 科学研究費助成事業
羽部 朝男 タスカー エリザベス 福井 康雄 鳥居 和史 
研究期間: 2015年4月 - 2019年3月