


研究者リスト >> カリオコスキ ミラ

カリオコスキ ミラ

研究者氏名カリオコスキ ミラ
職名Aerospace Project Research Associate
ORCID ID0000-0002-6445-5595
J-Global ID202301014723641186




H. George   G. Reeves   G. Cunningham   M. M. H. Kalliokoski   E. Kilpua   A. Osmane   M. G. Henderson   S. K. Morley   S. Hoilijoki   M. Palmroth   
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      2022年10月
H. George   G. Reeves   G. Cunningham   Milla M H Kalliokoski   Emilia Kilpua   A. Osmane   M. G. Henderson   S. K. Morley   S. Hoilijoki   Minna Palmroth   
Journal of geophysical research. Space physics   127(10)    2022年10月
Dropout events are dramatic decreases in radiation belt electron populations that can occur in as little as 30 minutes. Loss to magnetopause due to a combination of magnetopause shadowing and outward radial transport plays a significant role in th...
H. George   A. Osmane   Emilia Kilpua   S. Lejosne   Lucile Turc   Maxime Grandin   Milla M H Kalliokoski   S. Hoilijoki   U. Ganse   M. Alho   Markus Battarbee   M. Bussov   M. Dubart   A. Johlander   Talgat Manglayev   K. Papadakis   Yann Pfau-Kempf   Jonas Suni   V. Tarvus   H. Zhou   Minna Palmroth   
Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences   9    2022年5月
<p>Radial diffusion coefficients quantify non-adiabatic transport of energetic particles by electromagnetic field fluctuations in planetary radiation belts. Theoretically, radial diffusion occurs for an ensemble of particles that experience irreve...
Milla M H Kalliokoski   Emilia Kilpua   Adnane Osmane   Allison N. Jaynes   Drew L. Turner   Harriet George   Lucile Turc   Minna Palmroth   
Journal of geophysical research. Space physics   127(3)    2022年3月
Coronal mass ejection driven sheath regions are one of the key drivers of drastic outer radiation belt responses. The response can however be significantly different based on the sheath properties and the associated inner magnetospheric wave activ...
Milla M. H. Kalliokoski   Emilia K. J. Kilpua   Adnane Osmane   Allison N. Jaynes   Drew L. Turner   Harriet George   Lucile Turc   Minna Palmroth   
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics   127(3)    2022年3月